Thomas Beach Robe

Bought this from Lil2twinkle and been using it when we go for swimming and to the beach. I bought both my kids one each,one blue and one yellow.

And when the kids goes to a swim, I'll be using it to cover my body from getting burnt. hehe

Shop Again

Just bought this from momlittletreasurebox.


Nice??? I love the colour so much, i gotto take a picture of it. hehe


Ohhh I found another online shop--> Dream Land Station!. So i better keep the url here for easy access when I feel like buying something. I love the things she sell *itchy hands*

For example this book mark.

Nice? Good to buy and give as birthday present. And its very affordable. So do hop over and look at other things. I know i will... :)

My niece is here for the holidays. Normally she would hog the tv and record every cartoon on tv and watched it over and over again. Plus, what I dislike the most is my Maid would pretend to look after Jayden And Justin but her eyes are focused on the tv the entire day.

So I went and searched for Maths Homework for her. Muahahhaha I AM SO HAPPY I FOUND this website. Comes with worksheet and ANSWERS! woohoooo!

So its homework for my niece and maid is back to work. Evil? muahaha I never say I am nice. :P

You know, internet is making everybody's life easier and easier each day. Just today, I found a new website, Shopwiki- a website that provides you everything you need from High Definition Tvs, DVD players, DVD Camcorders and also Home Theatre Systems . Prices for each items are listed and you can compare the prices and even choose where you want to buy it from, all under a single website. So there is absolutely no reason for you to go running around comparing prices- saves you time and effort! Isn't that nice?

I was at Jayden's concert and his GF asked me.. "Aunty aunty.. you see my shoes so nice? Take picture?"

So here it is.


Quiet nice also hor?

I saw these in Little Star Kid's boutique and I find it so damn cute! I totally lost touch with girlie stuff cos all I see is boy stuff. Ai.. to buy or not to buy.. Very the pokai edi.

Pink for Jayden and blue for Justin. How about that... think first.

(links are for own future reference)

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